Learning the Four Seasons at Kanji Club
The theme for November at our language and cultural Kanji Club was the Four Seasons – 春夏秋冬 Shunkashūtō, literally meaning Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter 🌸🌻🍂🍢

These four kanji appear often in seasonal words and many topics such as travel. We learned to read, pronounce and write these, and about the meanings of each character and their fascinating seasonal origins, to do with the sun and ice or harvests…
Blair chose some vocabulary for us to practice showing the widespread use of the kanji in different words. The kanji we explored during the quiz were ‘沖 chū’ open sea, ‘保 ho’ protect, ‘呆 hō’ amazed/shocked, ‘果 ka’ fruit/ reward/ end, it was fun to see which kanji came from a small number of radicals.