Maryhill Hub Mural Painting Project
It has been a really busy creative summer for us here in Glasgow with our main project being recently completed, a colourful community mural transforming the wide outer wall of The Maryhill Hub community centre, please see the gallery of photos below. Huge thanks to all the amazing folks who helped make it so fun and special.
From mid June to late August we worked with the Wyndford community in Maryhill, Glasgow, on a large mural for the local community centre The Maryhill Hub. Blair started initial work in June after being given a brief from the centre manager and Glasgow City Council, working closely with local charity North United Communites, to include themes of the community journey through the pandemic and the activities of young people through Covid times, as well as the freedoms that have been enjoyed by them since. Blair worked with young people over several sessions to express their ideas and designs, including favourite themes such as animals, anime inspired characters and emoji, and it was great to then see them subsequently enjoy help paint these on the wall 😄
We were fortunate to have superb help from over one hundred members of the community, mainly children and young people and families, as well as regular assistance from incredible artists and friends from past D+P Studio groups. We are very grateful, as Blair somewhat underestimated the amount of work hours needed to complete the intricate design! Please enjoy the pictures and video of the mural below 🎨