The flow of water moving along the river, the curving lines of gliding birds, patterns in rocks – Maryhill art group

The flow of water moving along the river, the curving lines of gliding birds, patterns in rocks - Maryhill art group

Inspired by textures and the rhythms of lines and spaces in nature, we started with some imaginative marks responding to these themes, before drawing from some natural objects.

Ink and a variety of brushes came in handy to explore those textures as well as experiment and try out working expressively with drawing and painting approaches.

Maryhill Art Group Marks 2-2 www.drawingandpaintingstudio from Drawing and Painting Studio on Vimeo.

Maryhill Art Group Marks 3-2 Www.drawingandpaintingstudio from Drawing and Painting Studio on Vimeo.

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