Manga, Anime and Comic Project for Young People, Part 2

Moving deeper into autumn 2021 Blair continued working with the young people from North United Communities (with funding from Creative Scotland and Glasgow Connected Arts Network) leading the Manga, Anime and Comic Project.

As the project developed with input from the young people we explored the themes more widely and experimented with different media and art materials, such as colourful clay and creating masks. It was perfectly timed with Halloween capturing many of the spirits from popular Anime and Manga! 

We also continued our anime and comic drawings. The young participants really had a fabulous time and quickly developed their own ideas and created new characters, many of them monstrous and mysterious! 

Thanks to the partner NUC, funders Creative Scotland and Glasgow CAN and especially the young people for making the project so wonderful, they had a ball in every session!

Thanks to Glasgow CAN and Creative Scotland for funding this project.

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