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Japanese and Chinese stamp making

Cutting and carving stones for Japanese and Chinese stamps

Cutting and carving stones for Japanese and Chinese stamps

At the November 篆刻 tenkoku (seal engraving) group meeting online by zoom, Blair gave an in depth demonstration of carving techniques to directly guide participants and give them tips on this exciting part of the process! This covered how to handle and work with each… Read More »Cutting and carving stones for Japanese and Chinese stamps

Tenkoku styles Blair Thomson D+P Studio

Dynamic lines at Tenkoku seal engraving

It was an easygoing and peaceful 篆刻 tenkoku (seal engraving) group where we each worked on designs for stamps (in 印) or worked on our stones or erasers (the keshigomu method). Thanks for taking part. There was some time to look at the very varied… Read More »Dynamic lines at Tenkoku seal engraving

Carving seals and stamping onto calligraphy and artwork

Here is an example of stamped calligraphy (this is kokotsubun shell and bone style). You can stamp on your shodo calligraphy, artwork, poetry or sutra copying, or anything else you fancy ? This example is of stamped artwork by Blair was inspired by the dynamic… Read More »Carving seals and stamping onto calligraphy and artwork

Exploring vast spaces through small stamp designs

Exploring vast spaces through small stamp designs

At our first regular 篆刻 tenkoku (seal engraving) group on zoom we had fun pioneering Japanese and Chinese stamp making online! This time we mainly worked on designs for our in 印 stamps. After a short intro by Blair to the practice, his experience of… Read More »Exploring vast spaces through small stamp designs

Seal carving and blowing stone dust at the Japanese Garden at Cowden

Seal carving and blowing stone dust at the Japanese Garden at Cowden

On a blustery day with the March sun shining through the clouds into the garden and our cozy workspace, we enjoyed practicing Tenkoku 篆刻 seal carving to create our own stamps or inkan (more commonly known as hanko). It is a captivating process and was… Read More »Seal carving and blowing stone dust at the Japanese Garden at Cowden