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D+P Studio News

Urban sketching at Parkhead – doing a demo with biro and marker

Artist’s demo of guess where?!! ???? #parkheaddrawingtour #urbansketchers #community #learning #glasgow Parkhead Artist-in-Residenceさん(@parkheadartist)がシェアした投稿 – 2017 6月 24 10:12午前 PDT

Still life drawing with a Cubist feel

Using oil pastels at Maryhill Art Group we worked from a setup of studio objects including tripod, paint tubes, brushes and water jugs. We looked at artists Picasso and Heron. Their works encouraged us to feel free to block in areas of colour and use… Read More »Still life drawing with a Cubist feel

Mask making inspired by Mexico at the Ruchill group

Children at Ruchill embraced the spirits of the South American and Asian mask theme. Animals and demons were at loose! We used card and coloured paper to make the simple masks with elastic bands connected to paper straps.

Maryhill Art Group

Developing abstracts with ink and collage – Maryhill Art Group

We began on some small drawings from shapes in the buildings and garden area. Then had some fun (and a good few splashes) exploring with mixed media with ink, graphite and collage on larger sheets of cartridge paper..

Portraits by children at the Ruchill group

As always a lively afternoon of artwork with the energetic kids at North United Communities. At this session we encouraged the children with demos and examples how to draw portraits from life using pencils in their sketchbooks.

May 2017 Maryhill Art Group

Drawing with graphite and biro pen – Maryhill Art Group

We worked on a few graphite sketches in the peaceful and cool shade of the courtyard. Plenty to draw from the organic shapes in the garden vegetable planters to the angles of the old school itself.

Join us for artwork outdoors in the evening sunshine

Join us tomorrow to enjoy doing some artwork outdoors at our Maryhill Art Group at the Maryhill Hub – the weather looks like it will be fantastic for sitting outside in the courtyard garden doing some relaxed sketching..

Our array of colourful Art Brushes..

Folk have been curious about these refillable water based ink Art Brushes by Pentel we are using. We have worked with them in a few groups in recent months and they are a super way to make loose painterly strokes and block in areas of… Read More »Our array of colourful Art Brushes..

Tangram inspired shapes – Maryhill Art Group

Looking at old Chinese Tangram puzzles to begin with, we then started drawing with pencils, before cutting and sticking our own shapes. We experimented with our compositions, considering artwork by artist/ teacher Hans Hofman and Paul Klee for more visual ideas.. ‘Through a painting we… Read More »Tangram inspired shapes – Maryhill Art Group

Sketchy Panorama of Parkhead Cross

Working together at Parkhead Arts Centre on a large cartridge paper piece of the view of the historic Parkhead Cross buildings outside. We had to work quickly to sketch in the shapes of windows, roof lines, roads, road lights, and passing folk. We took turns… Read More »Sketchy Panorama of Parkhead Cross