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Creative time – delighting in autumn colours

On the West Coast of Scotland here in Glasgow the autumnal colours have been rich and changing from day to day.  ?

Creative time - delighting in autumn colours

For this fun creative time challenge we photographed some of the colours and shapes near us.? Please send us any photographs, poetry and haiku, or artworks that have an autumn feeling. Many thanks for sending to us!

As we walk through the North of the city there are so many different trees expressing themselves with their colourful leaves blowing in the breeze. The whispering foliage stirs in the wind as we stop and listen and watch – the greens almost turning yellow and gold in front of us.

Creative time - delighting in autumn colours

Here is a translation (by Blair with the kind help of Kokuu) of Dogen’s joyful waka five line poem:

on September’s
crimson leaves
the falling snow
who among us
would not be moved to song?

Creative time - delighting in autumn colours

Joan’s photos of maple leaves from British Columbia, the colours are so vivid with the blue sky peeking through.

Northern Glasgow captured by Elaine with wonderful reflections, water and open spaces 🙂

Dominika has kindly shared her deep red and orange painting, and inspiring and spacious piece which takes us into a different world, soaring with the birds.

Creative time - delighting in autumn colours

An expressive and warm feeling haiku poem by Laura, surrounded by lovely drawings of leaves and horse chestnut.

Creative time - delighting in autumn colours
Creative time - delighting in autumn colours

Complementary colours animate Ken’s strikingly visual and light filled short haiku poems.

Creative time - delighting in autumn colours
Creative time - delighting in autumn colours

Mark has sent us photos from the West Coast of Scotland – Benmore Botanical Gardens in Argyll – and also the waterfall at Rouken Glen. A delightful balance of greens, reds and yellows.

this rushing wind
with nowhere to go
I pour another
bowl of tea
and listen to the rain


Have fun, doodle or come up with some creative words at our free online art community. Our regular relaxing activities – Creative Time – encourage you to have some creative enjoyment and keep in touch with us and find inspiration from other participants in Scotland and beyond!

It would be great if you would like to send us an image of anything you make, for us to show online if possible, please either 1. email us your image, 2. post to instagram with this tag #dandpstudio_creativetime or 3. post on our Facebook page.

Creative Time