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Midsummer Zen Shodo Calligraphy

At Zen Brush, our online Shodō calligraphy group (monthly on zoom) we brushed the four kanji characters in the heartful zen phrase Anjin-ryumyo 安心立命 (literally ease/peace ;  heart-mind ; stand; fate).

Midsummer Zen Shodo Calligraphy

This can be translated in various ways  such as peace and enlightenment, or letting heart-mind rest in the Buddha way. 

We brushed them together in three different styles (kaisho, gyōsho sōsho), having plenty of fun as the styles really loosened up! ✨

Midsummer Zen Shodo Calligraphy

It was a lovely group and very relaxed, with many practical tips by Blair and questions by participants such as how to wash a fude brush! Blair read a seasonal poem by Ryokan which seemed to capture the mood perfectly –

Summer Evening

The night advances toward dawn,
Dew drips from the bamboo onto my brushwood gate.
My neighbor to the west has stopped pounding
his mortar;
My little hermit’s garden grows moist.
Frogs croak near and far,
Fireflies flit high and low.
Wide awake, it’s not possible to sleep tonight.
I smooth my pillow and let my thoughts drift.


Thanks to everyone for taking part and those who shared work 😀