At our cozy and friendly zoom Shakyo group, we copied the short Boundless Life Ten Line Bodhisattva of Compassion Sutra (Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo) 延命十句観音経 for wellbeing and meditative practice. It is a short Sutra so we had some extra time to have a chat about this delightful Buddhist practice, and some of the details such as how to brush or write particular calligraphy strokes or characters that often appear in this and other Sutras.
Blair gave a demo of some kanji including kan 観 perceive/see/feel, from Kanzeon 観世音 meaning the Bodhisattva of Compassion, or literally the Perceiver of the Sounds of the World✨

We discovered the themes of energy and awareness in this Sutra, which has many interpretations, a popular one is that it helps wellbeing in times of sickness or difficulty.

Participants took their time to trace, or copy, Blair’s example of the Sutra in Kanji characters (Chinese/Japanese), and also referred to the English (which can be traced instead of the Japanese), and meanings of each character. Thanks to those who took part and for sending some photos of your lovely Sutra copies, thank you for your wholehearted practice!

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